The story of Mighty Mighty.

Coach Melissa

Hi! I’m Melissa, your main accountability coach at Mighty Mighty.
I grew up near the Catskill Mountains in New York, and eventually moved to New York City when I started my career in tech. I designed digital experiences for mobile apps and websites, working with lots of incredibly motivated people with big ideas—from start-ups and solo entrepreneurs starting their own business, to large tech companies. One of my favorite things about it was the drive and energy of people working to build and grow something.

As time went on, I found myself itching to ditch the screens and designing mockups, and start designing experiences and programs that helped motivated people with their growth directly. Coaching is an exciting fit because the people I work with are just as driven and motivated, and I get to see the real transformation that accountability creates in their lives.

But I had struggles too.
I was the person that always had SO many exciting ideas, but so many that I would burn myself out trying to work on ALL of them. It made a lot of sense when I was finally diagnosed with ADHD at 34 (fellow neurodivergents, welcome!). I poured myself into researching everything about ADHD. I’ve read countless books, articles, watched lectures and talks, understand how it can show up differently in adults than children, and in men vs. women. I knew all of the tools, tricks, and habits that I should do to wrangle my brain. But despite knowing so much about it, it still didn’t help.

I signed up for ADHD coaching with Briana Plyler (highly recommend!), and one of the first things she said really stood out to me. “You already know a ton about this. What coaching’s about is having the structure and accountability to start putting it into practice.”

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You already know a ton about this. Coaching’s about creating the structure and accountability to start putting it into practice.

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The “aha” moment for me was when I started accepting the limitations of my own brain and abilities.
I am an idea person. I am great at planning. Enthusiastic. Usually pretty good at getting started. Terrible at remaining focused in the long-term. Terrible at following through. If I really wanted to reach my goals, the ones I was really passionate about, I would need some help. And that’s OKAY. We utilize support systems in so many other areas of our lives.

We can’t do it all. And if you need support to realize your goals and make sure you stay focused and follow through, you’ve come to the right place.